About Us
Auto Service |
Des Moines, IA
Terry's Auto Service is your go-to auto repair service in Des Moines, Iowa.
Conveniently located near University and 75th in Clive, Iowa, our repair shop is your best source for professional and reliable service!
Our goal is to provide the best service at the best rates without wasting your time or money. We provide a satisfaction guarantee for all services provided.
At Terry’s, we strive to provide the best repair service possible. We have highly skilled and trained ASE-certified mechanics that offer comprehensive repair knowledge and experience. Nichole is our office manager; Eric and Trent are our two dedicated technicians. Everyone that works for Terry’s is very knowledgeable and very dedicated to what they do.

Terry's Auto Service
Was established by Terry Allen in 1972. Terry’s Auto Service is family-owned and operated. In 2006 Terry decided it was time to take it easy. Terry and his family sold the auto business to Eric Johnson and his family. Eric and his family have known Terry for many years. Eric has always had a passion for repairing cars since he was very young. Before Eric bought the business, he was working for a local dealership. Eric knew that the dealerships were charging customers a premium price. When Terry asked Eric if he wanted to buy the business, he jumped at the opportunity. Eric knew he could make a difference for the community by not charging the premium prices like dealerships. Eric is the most honest person you will ever meet. He will tell you what you need and not what he wants to sell you.
Since Terry sold the repair business he is doing what he loves the most. He is still working with cars and doing only exhaust work. Terry and his employees are the best when it comes to custom exhaust. They can do just about anything you want or need.
You can be sure that the repair on your car will be handled with the latest diagnostic equipment and that everything done to your car will be explained to you in layman’s terms.
We do car auto service in Des Moines on all foreign and domestic makes and models including Chevy, Ford, Dodge, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Lexus, BMW, Cadillac, Volvo, and many more. We also offer a number of repair services that make maintaining your car easier. We offer towing, oil changes, tire rotation, alignments, and many more convenient services to make your repair as painless as possible.

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